Aberdeenshire Doodles & Poos
Aberdeenshire Doodles& Poos is a local group who organise dog walking meetups so dogs can play with other dogs, get lots of exercise and the owners can chat while enjoying the chosen locations.
The organiser approached Rocket Five looking for logo to be used to promote the group on social media and use it on several promotional items that members of the group could purchase. The brief was simple, it had to be fun and incorporate the owners own 2 dogs, but it also had to be designed so that it could be embroidered.Sketches were created and discussed, and once settled on the logo was created digitally. It has so far been used on social media, bandannas, mugs, leads,awards and jackets with more to come.
If you're interested in joining the group, you can find them at www.facebook.com/groups/315031265841606/